Program Notes
Launched in September with three clients
Purchased our own horse, Huey
Acquired horses Buzz, Buck, and Becky
Said goodbye to Buzz (she needed to live in a smaller herd)
Pony Jeni joined our crew
Pony Poppy moved up from Iowa
Farrier Fred Solinger began taking care of our herd
Had our first Starry, Starry Night Barn Dance fundraiser
Awarded some of the proceeds from the Cities’ 97 Sampler sale
Built a shed for our equipment (and how is it already too small?!)
Acquired horse Karl – a stunning Fjord
Said goodbye to Abby who went home with volunteer Cindy
Said goodbye to our most-loved and trusted Buck
Welcomed Somer to our herd – a “black beauty” of a horse
Second annual Starry, Starry Night Barn Dance Fundraiser
Joan Hanson became Board Chair
Received our Conditional Use Permit for the property in Ham Lake
Welcomed DreamCatcher (a big Paint) to our herd
Said goodbye with heartache to Vibeke and Somer
Moved to Oak Haven Farm, boarding stable
Acquired horse Ole – another wonderful Fjord
Hired Sheila Benson as Volunteer Coordinator
Received major donation from Fridley Lions to purchase and install a lift
Lift installed
Laurie Holder became Board Chair
Baloo joined our herd, on loan from a SP friend
Received an AED through Allina Health & Spring Lake Park Lions
Achieved Silver Level on GuideStar
Achieved Gold Level on GuideStar
Said goodbye to Cowboy – we are still in shock over his passing
Welcomed Rosie, an Appaloosa x Quarter Horse
Celebrating TEN YEARS of service!
Hugged Baloo goodbye, as he went home
Retired 24-year old Huey after eight years of awesome service! xoxo
Welcomed Joey, a ten year old Paint
Laurie Holder abruptly resigned as Board Chair
Purchased a (used) two-horse stock trailer
All Lessons cancelled due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Horse Work proceeded on a small scale
Joey moved to True Strides in Maple Lake to continue his therapeutic service journey
Huey moved to Stillwater to be with his previous owner
Jeni and Poppy moved to our new location
Karl, Ole, and Rosie and our stuff moved to our new location
Sheila left her position as Volunteer Coordinator
Successful reopening and lessons delivered
Incorporated barn cats, foster puppies, miniature donkeys and a pony in lessons
Continued lessons – enjoying outside trails and the outdoor arena
Karl will continue his service at Hold Your Horses in Greenfield MN
With aging horses and workforce, lessons scaled down. Jeni is retired due to arthritis and Ole moved to take on a new kind of work at Acres for Life